DULUTH – On the first Monday that Hoops Brewing had been open in many months, owner Dave Hoops was paying bills and watching the Twins game while taking stock of the past year.
The Canal Park beer hall was "one of the first to close and one of the last to reopen" and saw taproom sales drop by more than half in 2020, he said.
"We depend on people coming in here," he said. "In order to survive we increased retail, curbside and gave a lot of beer away."
Minnesota breweries, which depend heavily on taproom sales, were ravaged by the pandemic and state restrictions meant to combat the spread of COVID-19. Nearly 600 jobs were lost among the state's more than 180 breweries, according to a University of Minnesota Extension report released Monday. The industry's economic impact on the state's economy fell from $1 billion in 2019 to $813 million last year.
"For an industry still in high-growth mode, the impact reverberated in communities where canceled brewery investments meant work, including construction, didn't take place," the report said. "Brewers newer to the business also faced difficulties qualifying for government relief or private lending."
The study was based on a Minnesota Craft Brewers Guild survey answered by about half of the state's breweries in December, representing a mix of the largest, smallest, newest and oldest players in the market. The number of breweries in the state has risen from 39 in 2012 to 183 in 2019.
About 73% of sales at Minnesota breweries are on-site while 12% are wholesale and just 8% come from liquor stores, the report found. The shift toward more growler and crowler sales helped breweries stay afloat, as did the ability to serve drinkers outdoors — though some breweries, like Castle Danger in Two Harbors, aren't able to sell from their taprooms due to their size, and not all breweries have outdoor seating.
"In some ways, the pandemic brought out craft brewing's strengths," Brigid Tuck, the senior economic impact analyst with the U's Extension office, said in a statement. "Brewers were able to shift operations to focus on more production for retail sale, but it was still difficult for an industry that depends heavily on on-site sales, as well as tourism."