Minnesota colleges and universities could ask county elections officials to set up on-campus polling places under a bill introduced by Democrats at the State Capitol.
Rep. Kristi Pursell, DFL-Northfield, said her bill is meant to make voting more accessible for college students who lack reliable transportation. Northfield is home to two of Minnesota’s private colleges, Carleton and St. Olaf.
“For young adults, this might be their first election,” Pursell said. “They typically have much less access to transportation and their time might be quite filled between work and classes.”
Rep. Paul Torkelson of Hanska, the Republican lead on the House Elections Committee, said he’s concerned the bill as written requires counties to pay for the polling locations. Counties are given the responsibility under state law to conduct elections, which includes setting locations for in-person voting on Election Day and sites for early voting that under state law starts 46 days before.
“We’re just philosophically questioning the need for more mandates,” Torkelson said.
Democrats and Republicans in the Minnesota Legislature and nationwide have clashed over questions of voter access, with Democrats moving to expand it and Republicans to keep it limited. Rep. Pam Altendorf, R-Red Wing, argued during a House Elections Committee meeting that the campus early-voting bill targets a left-leaning demographic because it applies only to schools that enroll more than 1,500 students.
Siya Shelar, a freshman at the University of Minnesota and a member of the Undergraduate Student Government (USG), said Republican students do exist on campus, and they also want to vote.
“There is no agenda here; truly as undergraduates in government our entire purpose is to support voting as a whole,” Shelar said.