Count dairies among the many businesses throttled by the coronavirus shutdown.
Milk prices have plunged by more than $3 per hundredweight since late February as demand from schools, restaurants and exports have dried up. Dairy farmers are dumping milk in several parts of the country.
"Our co-op hasn't dumped any in Minnesota, but I'm a council person for the central area which is basically the Midwest, and we're dumping about 30 to 40 loads a day," said Charles Krause, a dairy farmer near Buffalo with 250 cows.
A truckload of milk contains about 6,000 gallons, and across the U.S., Krause's co-op, Dairy Farmers of America, is dumping 175 truckloads, or about 1 million gallons, per day, he said.
An initial surge of pandemic-driven milk-buying at grocery stores has subsided and consumption has gone back to normal. The reality of too much milk with not enough demand is again grinding away at dairy farmers, as it has for several years.
Schools typically buy 8% of the milk produced in the U.S., said Lucas Sjostrom, director of the trade group known simply as Minnesota Milk. Exports account for roughly another 15%. The big buyer is cheese producers, who use up about two-thirds of the nation's milk production, and the food-service industry is the biggest buyer of that cheese.
"Everything that's closed so far is what uses our processed cheese," Sjostrom said.
The National Milk Producers Federation estimates supply outstrips demand by 10%, "a gap that could widen as supply increases to its seasonal peak and as 'shelter in place' conditions endure."