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Apparently, the Minnesota Republican Party is attempting to out-crazy their “conservative” counterparts in other states. I refer, of course, to the bill introduced this week that would classify “Trump derangement syndrome” as an official mental illness. How deranged.
I am confident that many Minnesotans will rightfully offer their own accurate assessments, so I don’t need to express how this kind of legislation is both absolute lunacy and a complete waste of taxpayer dollars.
As a northeast Iowan who regularly listens to Minnesota Public Radio, I will offer a stark warning to my good neighbors to the north. Be aware and take heed. This kind of childish culture war legislative nonsense is what the modern Republican Party will continue to do to your state if you let them take control.
Iowa used to always rank at or near the top of all 50 states for our public education system. But Gov. Kim Reynolds never met a private, for-profit “education” company she didn’t favor. We now take $7,600 of the public education budget, per pupil, and give it to parents who want to remove their kids from the public system and enroll them in private schools.
Current estimates are that this system has cost the state’s public school system more than $360 million in just two years. Last year, 16 public schools closed, while dozens of private schools opened. Private, for-profit schools that have no restrictions on how they spend the money, nor the curriculum they offer.
My hometown of Decorah, population about 7,500, saw the school’s enrollment lose 60-plus students this year to private schools. At $7,600, that’s a loss that teeters on half a million.