Election officials on Friday swiftly rejected claims by Minnesota Republican Party Chairwoman Jennifer Carnahan that "extreme data abnormalities" might have influenced the state's Nov. 3 election after her examples proved to be nothing more than instances of high voter turnout.
"The bottom line is you can't just throw out conjecture and guesswork without real evidence," said Risikat Adesaogun, spokeswoman for the Minnesota Secretary of State's Office. It was "hard to respond to allegations that are so vague and unformed."
Nonpartisan election officials in Anoka and Wright counties, two main counties cited by Carnahan, said they found nothing that would call into question the integrity or validity of the vote. A Star Tribune analysis of Minnesota election data since 2000, for both presidential and gubernatorial elections, found nothing irregular about this year's voting trends.
Carnahan's attempt to sow doubt over the outcome of the 2020 election follows a coordinated and frantic final push by President Donald Trump and his allies to nullify its outcome through more than two dozen court challenges in battleground states, with 29 losses or dismissals so far.
"We're just trying to shed light on some of the abnormalities we've seen," Carnahan said Friday night. "And where it goes from there remains to be seen at this point."
Carnahan is comparing only votes for Democrats in certain counties in 2012, 2016 and 2020, omitting turnout data from 2018 when Democrats also swept statewide races on the midterm ballot. Her analysis does not account for overall turnout shifts or whether similar patterns emerged in other parts of the state. In a separate Facebook post, Carnahan said she had been in touch with an attorney for Trump's campaign before releasing her statement late Thursday.
Trump has also reportedly pressed officials in Michigan to rescind certification of results in Wayne County, which includes the heavily Democratic city of Detroit, and met at the White House on Friday with GOP lawmakers from that state.
While Democrat Joe Biden defeated Trump by more than 200,000 votes in Minnesota, Republicans prevailed in key down-ballot races, flipping a western Minnesota congressional seat that had long been held by the DFL and retaining a narrow majority in the state Senate. Two freshman GOP congressmen, including Carnahan's husband, Jim Hagedorn, also won re-election.