The Big Ten came into existence as a full-fledged hockey conference 10 years ago. Amidst the whining that echoed through what was then properly called Mariucci Arena, Don Lucia's Gophers reached the NCAA title game before losing 7-4 to the Union (N.Y.) Fighting Grandpas.
The results were less impressive over the next four seasons, and no-shows started to turn to no-buyers. The excuse offered by former attendees was a loathing for the Big Ten and a longing for the rivalries of the WCHA.
Apparently, there were thousands of potential ticket buyers who would have flocked to see Omaha but had no interest in Ohio State.
Lucia was preceded for 14 seasons by Doug Woog, one of the more fun-loving authority figures you could ever encounter — until wounded those last few years when results waned and criticism gained volume.
Lucia won back-to-back national championships in 2002 and 2003, and we started hearing howls from the hardcores about him not doing it again. I dealt with him only in tiny increments but found the Don to be dead serious at the start and immune to the heat and humorous closer to the end.
Athletic director Mark Coyle and Lucia announced the coach's retirement on March 20, 2018. St. Cloud State's Bob Motzko was announced as the new coach on March 27, which was Motzko's 57th birthday.
Attendance had fallen to a point Motzko didn't have to feel guilty over empty sections for home games. Still, there was nothing quite as depressing for Ski U Mah-ers as a two-game playoff series vs. Michigan hosted by the Gophers a few years back.
This week, Motzko and the Gophers had finished practice and he mentioned enthusiastically the rapidity with which Saturday night's Big Ten championship game with Michigan had sold out.