Indoor restaurants and bars will stay shut down, but fitness clubs and other venues will reopen under a new plan by Gov. Tim Walz to limit the spread of COVID-19 and buy time for distribution of vaccine against the infectious disease.
Minnesota's infections rate has been declining since Nov. 11, but Walz said restrictions are needed, particularly in group settings that have fueled broader spread of the coronavirus that causes COVID-19.
"This is a killer virus that we've learned much about and have a lot of tools to fight," Walz said on Wednesday, "but we've got a little left to fight."
The new order, which will take effect at midnight Saturday and last until Jan. 11, replaces a four-week closure of bars, restaurants, fitness clubs and entertainment venues. It allows gyms to open with caps of 100 people or 25% capacity; amateur sports to resume practices but not games on Jan. 4; and gatherings of up to 10 people from two households indoors, or up to 15 people from three households outdoors. The prior pause discouraged gatherings outside of immediate household members.
Indoor entertainment venues such as theaters and museums remain closed through Jan. 10, but outdoor events can continue at 25% capacity, capped at 100 people.
In-person learning can resume, starting Jan. 18, at Minnesota elementary schools that conduct regular testing and require staff to wear masks and face shields.
Walz on Wednesday also signed a $242 million relief package to help people who are unemployed and businesses that have suffered losses through the closures.
The package includes $88 million for bars, restaurants and other establishments that lost at least 30% of expected revenue in the second and third quarters of the year, as well as $14 million in grants to support movie theaters and convention halls.