Mesuda Hudug, a veteran home-health aide and licensed nursing assistant, is pleased with the recently negotiated contract between the Minnesota Department of Human Services and the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) that will boost the minimum wage from $13.25 to $15.25 by July 2022 for those who care for low-income elderly and disabled Minnesotans on Medicaid.
"I enjoy the work," said Hudug, who once worked in a nursing home. "I choose to work with individual clients. Some treat us like family."
That said, this can be tough work, with minimal paid time off, Hudug said. She didn't get paid for most of the time she had to quarantine last year after being exposed to a client with COVID-19.
The proposed contract, subject to approval by the Legislature, also increases the days for which full-time aides get time-and-a-half pay for working on holidays and increases the number of PTO days from six to nine.
This contract also would have pleased the late Sen. Jerry Relph, a Republican from St. Cloud, who had worked for several years with Democratic Rep. Jennifer Schultz, a University of Minnesota Duluth economist, on bills that would raise wages in a tough trade with a lot of worker turnover.
"All of a sudden we ran out of money," Relph said last June of the bill's failure as COVID-19 temporarily decimated the state budget. "But it improves life for the elderly and the disabled economically, through in-home services that gives them a more independent life and puts money back in the economy by paying more to the hardworking [personal care attendants] in their local communities."
Relph died last fall of COVID-related complications. However, the legislation, amid the anticipated turnaround in state finances over the next two fiscal years, is progressing.
It also includes funds to compensate PCA agency owners, who said their margin to cover payroll taxes, administrative salaries, office and other overhead costs has fallen from 26% of revenue in 2015 to an unsustainable 7.5% this year.