Our world is filled with complicated problems — many of which we Minnesotans can't do much about.
But how cruelly, and for how long, children will be allowed to be abused, beaten and neglected in our midst before someone puts a stop to it — that is a decision we, and only we, can and must make.
A few weeks back, we got a fresh reminder of just what Minnesotans have too long decided to put up with.
On Nov. 10, the Minnesota Supreme Court unanimously revived a wrongful-death lawsuit against Pope County and three of its child protection workers. The litigation concerns the child protection system's failure to protect Eric Dean, a 4-year-old Starbuck boy who was murdered by his father's girlfriend in February 2013.
No meaningful action to rescue this child had been taken despite child protection officials receiving some 15 reports in 2011 and 2012 that the boy was being mistreated, including evidence of broken bones, bites, bruises and more.
The blind eye turned toward little Eric's torment was the central narrative of "The boy they couldn't save," a powerful Star Tribune series in 2014. Reporter Brandon Stahl's stories documented scores of deaths and critical injuries among Minnesota children known to child protection and revealed "the failings of a system built to protect Minnesota's most vulnerable children," in which reports of maltreatment "often go uninvestigated and don't get referred to police." The revelations inspired then-Gov. Mark Dayton to appoint a distinguished task force to recommend reforms.
Consider this a warning that not enough has changed: Eight years after the 4-year-old's death, the state Supreme Court has found it necessary to speak up for Eric Dean — because, once again, no one else would.
The woman who brutalized and finally killed Eric was convicted of murder back in 2014 and sentenced to life in prison. But the system that looked the other way as it happened had, until last month, excused itself for not stopping her.