New reports from the Minnesota Department of Education show little improvement — and some decline — across a number of key measures of the state's schools, including test scores and attendance.
On Thursday, the department released the latest round of statewide test scores, along with a batch of other updated data the state uses to track schools' performance.
The release also included a new "State of Our Students" report, in which state Education Commissioner Mary Cathryn Ricker said she sees promise in Minnesota students and called for using a "broader collection of data" to assess how well schools and students are doing, rather than narrowly focusing on test scores or any other single measure.
But an analysis of the full collection of data reveals limited progress in closing the state's persistent achievement gaps or boosting proficiency in core academic subjects.
Reading scores on multiple statewide standardized tests — including the largest test, the Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments, or MCAs — dropped, with about 58% of students meeting state standards.
In math, scores were down for the fourth straight year, with 54% of Minnesota students meeting state standards in the 2018-19 academic year. Meanwhile, every racial group saw a decline in students' progress on test scores over time, and attendance rates declined for the majority of racial groups.
As all those measures dropped, however, graduation rates ticked upward among all student groups.
Ricker, who took over as the state's top education official in January, said education leaders are shifting away from a past focus on test scores. Instead, they'll give additional weight to other benchmarks, ranging from graduation rates and attendance to student participation in advanced-placement classes or the results of student surveys on bullying and emotional health.