Leah Hébert Welles had grand plans for her nonprofit's biggest fundraiser of the year, shuttling donors in limos from a glitzy downtown event center to a restaurant.
But the coronavirus pandemic halted the event, which was supposed to bring in 10% of the organization's revenue. Instead, like a growing number of nonprofits, Open Arms of Minnesota shifted its fundraiser online with a free live cooking class that drew more people but fewer donations than the traditional event.
"We're really being creative," said Hébert Welles, who leads the Minneapolis nonprofit that's delivering more free meals to people with life-threatening illnesses. "We really need foundations and individuals to step up."
Spring ushers in the biggest fundraisers of the year for many nonprofits. But with COVID-19, nonprofits are postponing or canceling galas and fundraisers, moving them online or looking for new ways to drum up cash.
Through Friday, nonprofits across the state are participating in the first Give At Home campaign, coinciding with a national day of giving Tuesday.
Before the pandemic, some nonprofits were already retooling the typical soiree to combat "gala fatigue," looking for new ways to reach donors.
Virtual events so far have met with mixed success, but they could alter how nonprofits fundraise post-pandemic. Though donations are sometimes smaller, the costs are often less. And unlimited livestreams can reach more people.
Still, some of Minnesota's more than 9,000 nonprofits may not survive the crisis. Nationally, half of nonprofits have less than a month of operating reserves, according to a 2018 study by GuideStar. Many nonprofits expect to see a drop in revenue and donations this year similar to the 2008 recession.