While more than 9,000 nonprofits in Minnesota are seeing brighter days after a difficult 2020, many are just starting out on the long road to recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Fewer nonprofits are cutting staff or facing financial distress. And a third of the respondents in a new survey say they've seen a spike in donations and grants recently, according to a report released this month by the Minnesota Council of Nonprofits.
It's what Jon Pratt, executive director of the Council of Nonprofits, is calling the "signs-of-the-recovery phase. Communities need these organizations and fortunately, for the vast majority, they're coming back."
At the same time, some nonprofit leaders are bracing for donor fatigue after an outpouring of generosity in 2020.
A national report this month by Giving Tuesday forecasts that charitable giving will likely return to pre-pandemic levels after rising 5% last year. Many local leaders worry about uncertainty in government and foundation grants for the rest of this year.
A coalition of Minnesota nonprofits, including the Council of Nonprofits and the Greater Twin Cities United Way, are lobbying Gov. Tim Walz and legislative leaders to create a "nonprofit resiliency and recovery fund" with $50 million in federal funds to bolster nonprofits, mostly culturally specific organizations and small nonprofits outside the Twin Cities. It's the largest request the nonprofit sector has ever made to the state to support its organizations.
"Our sector has really seen a lot of instability," said Jonathan Palmer, executive director of the Hallie Q. Brown Community Center in St. Paul. "It would allow us to continue to serve people in need."
Throughout the pandemic, most social service nonprofits stayed open, shifting programs online and moving food shelves to drive-up models. More Minnesotans visited the state's 350 food shelves in 2020 than in any year on record.