SIOUX FALLS, S.D. — A backlog of five patients is waiting for Dr. Sarah Traxler when she arrives with her security detail at the Planned Parenthood Clinic on the west side of town.
She's already six hours into her day when she slips into scrubs and grabs the first manila envelope on the top of the stack. The routine has become almost second nature to Traxler, who has spent the past seven years flying between home in the Twin Cities and South Dakota once a month. For that one week, she's the lone physician who can perform abortions in the state.
"We've been able to justify this because we're willing to go to extreme lengths for our patients, because they should have access to this care," said Traxler, 46. "It's safe, it's legal, it should be everywhere."
These trips could end suddenly if the U.S. Supreme Court this spring overturns Roe v. Wade, the 1973 landmark case that made abortion legal in every state. Such a ruling could quickly make abortion illegal in more than two dozen states, including South Dakota. States such as Minnesota, New York, California, Colorado and Illinois could become islands where tens of thousands of women travel to legally terminate their pregnancies.
Providers in Minnesota and across the nation are bracing for a new — and old — reality in which the opportunity to obtain a safe abortion is determined by geography, wealth and time.
"Someone recently asked me if it would get this bad, and I said yes," Traxler said, adding that she's watched opponents try to chip away at access while growing up in the South and now living in the Midwest. "I think I was sort of anticipating this day."
Requirements for patients
One of Traxler's first patients of the day lives just outside Sioux Falls, is younger than 21 and not ready to have a baby. Under state law, Traxler is required to ask her a series of questions before she gets an ultrasound.
Have you ever had a C-section before? Do you want to know whether there are twins? Do you want to see an image of that ultrasound? Do you want a detailed description of that image? Do you want to hear a heartbeat if possible? Would you like a copy of the image to take home with you?