Anna Wise's shiny new black water softener uses about 75% less salt than an outdated water softener with a timer clock. It has a meter to measure water flow, softening only when necessary.
That means fewer trips to the basement with a bag of salt.
"I don't want to dump stuff in the environment that I don't have to," Wise said.
Water softeners are a major source of the chloride poisoning in Minnesota's lakes, rivers and streams. The substance is toxic to fish and aquatic life, and it's a permanent pollutant that does not degrade or go away. In fact, chloride pollution is growing faster than most other water pollutants statewide, state pollution regulators say, and they're ratcheting up efforts to kick our addiction to the salt.
De-icing salt dumped on roads, sidewalks and parking lots remains the No. 1 culprit, contributing about 42% of the chloride fouling surface waters, according to University of Minnesota research. Farm fertilizers, including manure spread on fields, are No 2.
No. 3 is wastewater treatment plants and septic systems — and most of the chloride in those systems comes from the water softeners in homes and businesses.
"If your wastewater treatment plant is discharging to a lake, river or stream, your salt is running directly into a lake, river or stream," said Sara Heger, a research engineer at the U's Water Resources Center. "The wastewater treatment plant is not removing any of the chloride. There's really no cost-effective easy way to remove it.
"We need to stop it on the front end."