They grew up in the 1960s playing football against each other on the Iron Range in the townships of Kinross, Parkville, South Grove and West Virginia. They would form a singular bond on the high school team in Mountain Iron, one that would be tough to beat in an area where hockey was king.
These young Red Raiders would go on to crush Dassel-Cokato 54-6 in the Class B final in 1972 to claim one of the first five football state championships ever awarded in Minnesota.
Fifty years later, this community returns to the championship game this week for the first time since that glorious season, now as the Mountain Iron-Buhl Rangers, a Nine-Man program. The Rangers (12-0) take on Spring Grove (13-0) on Saturday at U.S. Bank Stadium.
"With explosive running from Scott Edstrom and junior Jeff Anderson, Mountain Iron methodically scored, gave Dassel-Cokato three futile downs, and then scored again." That is an excerpt from the championship game story written by John Gilbert for the Minneapolis Tribune, published on Nov. 17, 1972.
"That team was a collection of athletes who had competed against each other all our years growing up," Jeff Anderson said. "There were a lot of kids back in those days and we played all sports against each other. Looking through my scrapbooks brings back so many memories."
Anderson lost his first game as a freshman and last game as a senior. In between, 36 consecutive victories. They finished 11-0 in 1972.
"By the time we got to high school, the football program under coach Bob Swanson was always near the top," said Anderson, a 67-year-old, self-employed carpenter living in Silverdale, Minn. "We all knew that if we all returned from the 1971 team that we would go to state and win. We were truly a team."
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