Another 3,080 new COVID-19 infections were reported Tuesday by Minnesota health officials, one of the lowest daily reports in several weeks.
However, testing volume was also relatively low, with 27,432 test results sent to the Minnesota Department of Health on Monday. By comparison, the previous five days saw a daily average of 59,000 tests.
Twenty-two more people died from COVID-19 complications, with 15 of them residents of long-term care facilities.
Minnesota officials will be watching this week to see if case counts rise as a result of holiday travel and gatherings.
"It is really in the next few days this week that we anticipate seeing any effects from Thanksgiving," state Health Commissioner Jan Malcolm said Monday.
State officials are expected to announce details of the state's COVID-19 vaccine plan on Tuesday afternoon. Highest priority will be given to health care workers and long-term care residents, but it could take several weeks for Minnesota to receive enough doses to fully vaccine those populations.
The vaccine, made by Pfizer, is expected to receive federal approval on Thursday. Other vaccines are in the pipeline.
In the meantime, public health officials continue to advise the public to follow safety guidelines — mask-wearing, social distancing, frequent hand washing — to limit the spread of the highly infectious coronavirus.