Minnesota's alimony reform bill in a nutshell
What it does: Allows for adjustments in the amount of alimony payments a year after a divorce is final if the spouse receiving alimony is cohabiting with a significant other.
What it doesn't do: Allow for retroactive reimbursement. Payees may return to court to request a reduction, suspension or termination of spousal maintenance, but only in terms of future payments.
Why is this change needed? Supporters say too many people take advantage of the system and their exes, by cohabitating instead of marrying so payments continue.
What can judges do about this? They can consider whether the person receiving alimony would marry if not for the maintenance award.
Why are some people worried about the new bill? Detractors say it's hard, and sometimes impossible, to get back to financial stability after a divorce, especially after many decades of marriage as a stay-at-home parent. Others worry about the ramifications for divorced people with disabilities.
What can judges do about this? They can consider the economic effects on the alimony receiver if maintenance is modified.
Effective when? Aug. 1, if Gov. Mark Dayton signs the revised bill, as he's expected to do.
Gail Rosenblum
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