Just as the last months of the school year have looked different for Minnesota students, so too will many of their transcripts.
School districts are rolling out new grading policies this spring to accommodate students who may have faced challenges during distance learning.
The new policies are based on recent recommendations from the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) that no student be given a failing grade and that new grading systems and policies prioritize flexibility and equity.
The stress, anxiety and uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic and distance learning have magnified disparities for students, said Education Commissioner Mary Cathryn Ricker. "If the ways that educators are delivering education and supporting our students has completely changed, then so should the way that students are receiving feedback about their academic performance," she said.
The MDE guidance also recommends that transcripts include language indicating that grades from mid-March through the end of June reflect a time of distance learning, and that those grades should not be used to determine a student's future placement or opportunities.
Schools in the Minneapolis Public Schools district are grading all middle and high school students with a credit or no credit system. Unlike an F, receiving "no credit" won't negatively impact a student's grade-point average. And an F grade will be given only if staff have been unable to connect with the student or document that the student tried to participate in learning.
St. Paul Public Schools will continue letter grades A+ through C-. Any grade lower than a C- will be assigned a pass or in progress. A "pass" will be neutral for a student's GPA.
"We want to meet the needs of kids who are putting in tons of time and energy in earning an A in distance learning," said Darren Ginther, director of the college and career readiness office for St. Paul schools. "We also don't want to hold it against students who maybe struggled."