A paid family and medical leave program that would allow all Minnesota workers to take months off work to care for a newborn, a sick family member or recover from illness is nearing reality at the state Capitol.
The Senate voted along party lines to create a state-run leave program Monday that would enable people to take time off with partial pay. It would be funded by a payroll tax on employers and employees. Some employers and business groups oppose the bill, while other workers and small business owners have long pressed for the change.
"This program is going to even the playing field," said Senate bill sponsor Alice Mann,DFL-Edina. "It will keep people out of poverty, and most importantly this program is built on a foundation that we are all worthy."
The DFL-led House passed a paid leave plan last week that differs slightly from the Senate version. The two chambers need to align the measures in the next two weeks before the legislative session ends and send the final bill to Democratic Gov. Tim Walz, who plans to sign it into law.
The biggest difference is the total number of weeks a worker could take off. Under both plans, people could take up to 12 weeks to care for a newborn or sick family member or 12 weeks for their own serious health condition. But if they need to take time off to care for both themselves and another person in one year, the time off generally would max out at 20 weeks in the Senate version and 18 weeks in the House.
Some employers condemned the bill Monday. At a news conference ahead of the vote, Jodi Theis, who owns Waconia pet store Paws Inn Pet Essentials, said she is having a hard time hiring employees amid workforce shortages and is worried about the cost of training temporary workers to fill in if someone takes weeks or months of leave.
"I'm concerned on how this is going to affect my bottom line. How am I going to be able to continue staffing as it's a struggle already?" she said.
However, Poplar Salon owner Renee Herskovitz is among business owners backing the change. She joined a crowd of supporters who rallied at the Capitol ahead of the vote.