Minnesotans on Wednesday will once again be able to drink in bars, go to movies, work out and swim at clubs — as long as they keep their distance from others due to the continued threat of COVID-19.
Health officials believe the COVID-19 pandemic has either plateaued or is on a downward wave in Minnesota, making the resumption of more everyday activities OK with the caveat of maintaining a social distance of 6 feet from others in public.
Infections with the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19 could increase under the relaxed restrictions announced Friday by Gov. Tim Walz, but health officials will be monitoring case numbers for any spikes that would be concerning, said Kris Ehresmann, state infectious disease director.
"The logic would say that if people are free to interact more, then we will likely see more cases," she said. "So we're watching for that."
Restaurants and bars as of Wednesday will be able to seat up to 50% of their indoor capacities, and fitness clubs, theaters, bowling alleys and other entertainment venues will be able to serve up to 25% of their capacities — with hard caps of 250 people in any of these indoor businesses.
Social gatherings of 10 people will be permitted indoors and 25 outdoors, but in all cases the need for social distancing of 6 feet will apply.
State disease investigators consider people to be at moderate risk of COVID-19 if they spent 15 minutes face-to-face in that proximity with others who have the infection.
"Six feet is the distance in which you would expect the respiratory droplets from someone who has sneezed or coughed to have settled before they get to that next person," Ehresmann said.