Minnesota State Fair auction: The 10 strangest — and coolest — items

If you’re in the market for an old Ferris wheel car, circus wagon wheels or an old-timey player piano, the State Fair’s got you covered.

The Minnesota Star Tribune
February 21, 2024 at 5:21PM
The Minnesota State Fair is auctioning off thousands of items. Bids close at 1 p.m. Feb. 27. (Jason Mitchell)

In a conventional garage sale, you might luck into an old Led Zeppelin LP or a copy of “The Terminator” on VHS. But when the Minnesota State Fair clears out its storage and auctions off the inventory, it’s full of circus wagon wheels, old pianos and even Ferris wheel cars.

“Just like any long-standing organization, we have continued to accumulate items of all sorts,” State Fair officials said in a statement about the auction. “In the fair’s case, our storage space has been filled with exhibit and display pieces, historical memorabilia, office furniture and more.”

Bids for those items, which include everything from industrial refrigerators to equipment from old rides, close at 1 p.m. Feb. 27. Auction Masters, the company running the online event, requires bidders to set up an account with a credit card to charge when the auction closes.

Auction Masters will allow would-be bidders to inspect the items up for auction from 9 a.m. to noon on Feb. 27. Winners must be able to pick up their items between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. at the north end of the Event Center at the State Fairgrounds.

Here are 10 of the strangest and coolest items we found in the nearly 400 listings in the fair’s auction:

10. An old roller coaster cart

A red-and-black cart with two sets of seats and a safety bar that comes down on each set.
This cart probably wouldn't pass a safety inspection in 2024. (Jason Mitchell)

The State Fair’s first roller coaster was built where the butterfly house now stands. That attraction went up in 1914 and was torn down 22 years later. Fair officials didn’t date the cart up for auction, but it’s probably not meant for riders in this day and age. High bid as of Wednesday morning: $124.

9. A box full of road signs and a caboose whistle

Who couldn't use a mishmash of small road signs? (Jason Mitchell)

This box of odds and ends includes signs for the old Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad and the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad. But the real star of the show is a caboose whistle. This reporter, perhaps like some other people, had a grade-school teacher who used a train whistle to signal the beginning and end of class activities. That’s likely why this lot is ranked so highly on the list. High bid as of Wednesday morning: $80.

8. These vintage calendars

Just take a gander at these old-timey calendars. (Jason Mitchell)

You never know when an old calendar might come in handy. This particular batch features at least one printed in celebration of the American Bicentennial. Sure, it may not be 1976, but just wait: That calendar’s dates will once again line up in 2032. High bid as of Wednesday morning: $6.

7. An arcade cabinet

"Rush'n Attack" is a run-and-gun-style platformer published by Konami. (Jason Mitchell)

Before there was “Contra,” there was “Rush’n Attack,” a run-and-slash platformer developed by Japanese game studio Konami. High bid as of Wednesday morning: $180.

6. A burlesque trunk

This trunk has everything — old-timey photos, hidden compartments and an outfit. (Jason Mitchell)

At nearly 4 feet long and 2 feet wide, this trunk could make an excellent coffee table. Or you could store stuff in it. High bid as of Wednesday morning: $165.

5. An enormous 3D aerial map of the fairgrounds

If you memorize this bad boy, you'll never need one of those brochure-style maps they hand out at the fair gates ever again. (Jason Mitchell)

Did you know there used to be a small airport in Falcon Heights? Well, there was. And sometime in the early 20th century, one of its pilots mapped out the State Fairgrounds to create this enormous collectible. High bid as of Wednesday morning: $330.

4. A rickshaw

An enterprising young person could do well with this thing in Dinkytown. (Jason Mitchell)

If you’ve ever parked in downtown Minneapolis during a Vikings home game, you’ve surely been approached by a bicyclist lugging a small cart offering rides to U.S. Bank Stadium for a premium price. This very well could be a decent way to make a few bucks in Dinkytown on weekends. High bid as of Wednesday morning: $40.

3. This “Kiddy Kar”

The O.G. Scarlet Speedster. (Jason Mitchell)

You’ve got a kiddy kar. I’ve got a plan to take us absolutely nowhere because I’m not sure this thing even runs. The listing for this item says it’s got a small engine and a chain drive, so the right mechanic might be able to take care of that. High bid as of Wednesday morning: $1,401.

2. Cannon parts

A photo of a red panel and a board with advertising slogans about a human cannonball act.
The Minnesota State Fair is auctioning off a piece of this cannon, used in stunt work beginning in 1946. (Jason Mitchell)

Back in the day, people had to walk to school uphill both ways and in the snow. They also relished watching men and women stuff themselves inside cannons that would eject them hundreds of feet into the air — not always safely. The Zacchini brothers were among those daredevils. The State Fair is auctioning off a piece of a cannon, signed by younger brother Hugo Zacchini, that they and other daredevils used in performances from 1946 through 1978. High bid as of Wednesday morning: $45.

1. A bunch of bison bones

A collection of bones, including a bison jaw.
Who couldn't use an assortment of bison bones? (Jason Mitchell)

Herds of bison once roamed much of Minnesota before relentless hunters nearly eradicated the state’s native herds. The last wild bison in the state was reportedly observed in Norman County in 1880, according to a 2020 edition of Curious Minnesota. The Minnesota Zoo and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources have long partnered to release bison bred in captivity into Minneopa and Blue Mounds state parks. Why is the State Fair auctioning off a set of bones belonging to these storied creatures? Hard to say. High bid as of Wednesday morning: $113.

about the writer

about the writer

Eder Campuzano


Eder Campuzano is a general assignment reporter for the Minnesota Star Tribune and lead writer of the Essential Minnesota newsletter.

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