Minnesotans — and a few interlopers from beyond the borders of the Land of 10,000 Lakes — attended this year's State Fair in numbers never before achieved.
Minnesota State Fair tops attendance record with 1,943,719
September 7, 2016 at 1:07AM

Fair officials on Tuesday announced a record attendance total of 1,943,719 over the 12-day Great Minnesota Get-Together, which on Monday wrapped up its 157th year. The previous overall attendance record was set in 2014 at 1,824,830.
This year's overall record was fueled by three record days: Day Two, Friday, Aug. 26 (141,023); Day Nine, Friday, Sept. 2 (182,926); and Day 10, Saturday, Sept. 3 (260,374), which goes down as the best-attended day in State Fair history. The previous one-day record was 252,092 in 2014.