Among the holiday-season throngs at the Mall of America this weekend, some visitors made special trips there not to shop, but to scope out the six designs that could become Minnesota's state flag.
The State Emblems Redesign Commission has winnowed down thousands of submissions to six finalists, after the Legislature voted to retire the current state flag and appointed the commission to come up with a new design by Jan. 1. Six mock-up flags hung in the mall rotunda on Saturday and Sunday to give Minnesotans a chance to see how a new flag will look in the real world, on fabric, flapping in the wind.
Even for those excited about the flag redesign — and there were plenty of people at the mall who did not want a new flag, and even more who were unaware the flag will change — the finalist designs felt a little alien. Some wondered if the largely abstract star and river designs sufficiently represent Minnesota and Minnesotaness.
"I don't recognize anything Minnesota-like," said Mike Haggenmiller, of St. Paul. Where's the loon, he asked? Where's the lady slipper?
Laura Wiesner, of Minneapolis, thought the simplicity of the final designs left plenty of room for interpretation, enough so everyone can feel part of the flag.
"It's tricky to think of what represents Minnesota for the range of people that all live in Minnesota," Wiesner said. She was partial to the design that superimposed a white snowflake on a golden-yellow star.
Not everyone liked the simple designs.
"They're a little plain, but it was time for an upgrade," said Ahna Girod, of New Hope.