A flood of kids spilled out of a school bus that stopped near the Witch’s Hat water tower in Minneapolis’ Prospect Park neighborhood.
“We get to walk?” one student asked excitedly, bounding off the bus.
D.Jay Gjerde, who coordinates Pratt Elementary’s Walk to School Day, offered high-fives and corralled the kids to walk the last few blocks to the school.
“They light up when they realize they’re not going straight to the school,” Gjerde said.
Getting to class on foot is a novelty for most students these days. But many Minnesota schools are pushing more kids to walk or bike, in hopes of introducing physical activity, easing pressure on transportation budgets and reducing congestion in drop-off zones.
Cities and schools have spent tens of millions of dollars through federal and state grants to add sidewalks, install flashing lights at crosswalks and set up chaperoned “walking school bus” routes to address unsafe roads, which parents cite over and over as their main concern for walking kids.
“A lot of people assume it’s, ‘Oh, it takes too long,’ ‘We live too far,’ or ‘Minnesota is cold,‘” said Kelly Corbin, the Minnesota Department of Transportation’s Safe Routes to School coordinator. “The big concerns are actually our built environment, our infrastructure that we have, that is a determining factor for students wanting to walk and parents or caregivers allowing them to walk.”
Older generations like to joke they walked to school, uphill both ways. The walking part, at least, is mostly true.