The Minnesota Supreme Court has overturned PolyMet's permit to mine in Minnesota, sending the company's central permit back to state regulators for further review.
It is a fresh blow to what would be the state's first copper mine, a $1 billion open-pit mine project near Babbitt and Hoyt Lakes that has stalled with several permits on hold or under review.
The state's highest court ruled Wednesday that the state Department of Natural Resources (DNR) must hold a trial-like contested-case hearing on PolyMet's plan to line the mine's tailings dam with a bentonite clay mixture to protect against contaminated waste leaking out.
It also said the DNR erred "by issuing the permit without an appropriate fixed term." In other words, the DNR should have set a clear date by which the mine site and wastewater is supposed to be cleaned up and returned to nature.
The company and environmentalists immediately called the ruling a victory for their side, citing different portions of the opinion.
Chris Knopf, executive director of the Friends of the Boundary Waters Wilderness, which opposes copper mining in Minnesota, called it "a huge defeat" for PolyMet.
"They don't have a permit to mine," Knopf said.
But the Supreme Court decision, written by Justice Natalie E. Hudson, was mixed. On the main legal point — whether the DNR has discretion to deny petitions for contested case hearings — the court sided with the DNR and the company.