Three of the most sleep-inducing words in the English language are surely "historic tax credit."
But please, remain awake. This is important, because tax policy details have a sneaky way of dictating how our cities look and function, and they can underscore how we regard our past and preserve it for the future.
Rehabilitating historic buildings can be a financially risky undertaking for private developers. Fortunately, this is one instance where government intervention has proved to be a positive force. The federal government's historic tax credit legislation is more than 40 years old, and Minnesota followed with a similar program in 2010.
Here's how it works: Both the state's and the federal government's historic tax credits land at 20% of the project's total cost. If a developer is engaged in a $1 million rehabilitation on a qualifying property, they can receive a $200,000 tax credit from the state, plus a $200,000 federal tax credit, when the project is completed.
The largest development to take advantage of the state's program is the Dayton's Project, the $214 million remake of the mammoth downtown Minneapolis department store into an office-retail complex.
"I can say pretty resoundingly that the project wouldn't have happened without the state and federal historic tax credits," said Cailin Rogers of Chicago-based Telos Group, one of the project's partners. "The building has been completely reworked, from top to bottom. That's not possible without time, expertise and resources, and you can't possibly do that without state and federal tax credits."
This being the government, there are reams of rules. The building has to be income-producing, so it doesn't apply to private residences. The building also must be listed on the National Register of Historic Places — or applying for a place on the register — although it can be part of a district that's on the register. And the rehabilitation has to be substantial, enough to pass certain measurable criteria.
"We refer to it as a 'tax incentive program,' " said Natascha Wiener, historical architect at the State Historic Preservation Office. "It's meant to be an incentive to do work that respects the historic character of the building, respects historic materials and makes compatible modifications."