Chris Stedman is an atheist religion professor. His sister's a Lutheran. Spiritually, their siblings fall somewhere in between.
When they gather for Thanksgiving, they don't say grace as their grandparents once did. Instead, they take a moment for a simple practice that's become a family tradition.
Before the meal, everyone writes at least one thing that they're grateful for on a slip of paper without signing their names, then they put the slips of paper into a bowl. Once they're seated, they pass the bowl around and read each other's "gratitudes" out loud.
"It's this nice mix of things that are humorous and things that are really heartfelt and sincere," said Stedman, an author and podcaster who teaches at Augsburg University in Minneapolis. "It's this thing that I think everyone feels really included in, whereas, if it were a traditional kind of prayer or something like that, that wouldn't necessarily resonate with everybody."
For Stedman, the practice offers a moment to pause and reflect, which is an important part of so many rituals, whether religious or secular, traditional or DIY.
"They take us outside of our normal everyday routines and give us a chance to pause, to check in with ourselves, to kind of reorient ourselves back to what's important to us," he said. "They remind us that we're trying to live in a particular way, maybe a more intentional way."
Saying a prayer or blessing before a meal is a tradition in nearly every religious culture, including Islam, Hinduism, Bahai, Christianity and Judaism. Even as religious affiliation continues to fall — with just 47% of all Americans belonging to a church, synagogue or mosque according to a March Gallup poll — coming together before a meal to give thanks endures in many homes.
About half of all Americans say a grace of some sort at least a few times a week, according to a 2017 Washington Post and Kaiser Family Foundation poll. Even for those who don't regularly give thanks, Thanksgiving is often the exception. Those who aren't part of an organized religion may create their own way to observe, by giving a reading, reciting a poem or holding hands for a moment of silence together.