Sweat dripped down the face of Nick Hartman as he jogged along Victory Memorial Drive in Minneapolis on Friday morning. It was only his second outdoor run of the season.
After four months of mostly gray skies and below normal temperatures, Minnesotans busted out of their winter doldrums as the mercury in the metro touched 70 degrees on Friday for only the second time this year.
"It feels great; it's nice to have warm weather," said Hartman, of Minneapolis. "I've been using a treadmill to keep my fitness up. I think it will get a lot less use."
Several warm — even hot and "Florida-like weather" — days are ahead, and the Twin Cities could flirt with record-setting heat with temperatures in the mid- to upper 80s by Wednesday, said Ryan Dunleavy, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service in Chanhassen.
"Get out and enjoy it before it gets too warm," he said. "This is a good transition to summer."
Michelle Furlong rose long before sunrise on Friday to be among the first at the Friends School Plant Sale at the Minnesota State Fairgrounds.
"The cold has been so hard. The sun feels wonderful," she said "I'm ready to get in the dirt."
Eager plant sale customers created traffic jams on Snelling Avenue, forcing officials to open gates to the fairgrounds at 4 a.m., five hours before the doors opened, said Pat Thompson, one of coordinators of the 33-year-old event.