MN House candidate Jerry Loud: Domestic violence allegations are false

Jerald Loud, a DFL candidate for an open House seat in northern Minnesota, has published a paid advertisement in a local newspaper that contradicts the account of his ex-wife, who told the Star Tribune that Loud beat her when they were married more than three decades ago.

October 5, 2016 at 8:28PM

Jerald Loud, a DFL candidate for an open Minnesota House seat, has published a paid advertisement in a local newspaper that contradicts the account of his ex-wife, who told the Star Tribune that Loud beat her when they were married more than three decades ago.

"This past week many of you received several mailers that say I battered my ex-wife," the ad reads. "It implied that I'm a dangerous person and unfit to represent my district. Please know this is not true."

The ad said "many false accusations were made" in the divorce, and that he had no money for an attorney.

If Loud is now disputing the account of his ex-wife, he is also disagreeing with the ruling of a judge. After a trial in January 1984, District Judge Terrance Holter ruled that Loud had "battered" his ex-wife and granted her a restraining order, without which he said the abuse would likely occur again.

Earlier this year, Loud did not dispute his ex-wife's account, instead releasing a statement that read in part: "I've never claimed to be perfect, and I'm not proud of every decision I have ever made, but I have learned from those mistakes, and as I have grown into adulthood I have continued to better myself and the community."

Before the domestic violence became public, the DFL had hoped Loud was a credible candidate in a winnable northern Minnesota district as they seek to flip seven seats to take the House majority.

DFL officials quickly distanced themselves from Loud once the domestic violence allegations became public.

Loud is just one of several legislative candidates this year whose personal lives have threatened their campaigns. Earlier this week, a suburban Republican challenger was arrested on suspicion of felony domestic assault and strangulation.

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J. Patrick Coolican


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