The Minnesota Republican Party is leaderless, low on cash and divided.
Federal sex-trafficking charges against prolific GOP donor Anton "Tony" Lazzaro one week ago opened the door to a stunning string of allegations of retaliation, harassment and toxicity in the party that crescendoed Thursday in the ouster of its chairwoman, Jennifer Carnahan.
Activists and former staff members who shared their stories are feeling raw and exposed, but there's little time to spend healing, with the 2022 midterm election a little more than a year away and endorsing conventions even sooner. "It's like a big family Thanksgiving and there was a fight and the turkey just got thrown off the table and everyone is sitting there thinking, 'Now what do we do?' " said Jennifer DeJournett, a longtime GOP activist and state central committee delegate.
The party has 45 days to call a meeting of the more than 300 delegates, who will vote for their next party chair. No one had jumped into the race by Friday afternoon. State Sen. Mark Koran, R-North Branch, who challenged Carnahan for chair this spring, did not immediately return a call seeking comment.
Whoever takes over has a big job ahead. The Minnesota Republican Party reported $8,466 in the bank in its last state campaign finance report in December. The party has $177,361 in its federal account, according to campaign records, which also show more than $64,000 in unpaid debts.
The DFL Party, in contrast, has more than $2.2 million between its state and federal accounts heading into the 2022 election.
The scandal will take a bite out of the party's limited budget, with leaders agreeing to give the more than $42,000 in contributions it received from Lazzaro to charity following his arrest. As part of Carnahan's exit package, the party's executive board voted 8-7 to pay her three months severance, or roughly $38,000. Carnahan was the deciding vote in favor of her own severance.
"That's all money that isn't there to win elections or pay for these investigations, because these investigations need to occur," said Republican Party Executive Board member Bobby Benson, who pushed to deny Carnahan any severance. "It's not going to be cheap to do the right thing."