We were (thankfully) not at Mall of America Field on Sunday. Instead, we were at home, where we had options when it came to the noon-3 misery. We did, however, check out most of Brett Favre's post-game press conference via live stream. We wanted to see his face. We wanted to gauge the mood. We wanted to see if he still looks like he's aged five years in three months when he's not just wearing a football uniform (he does). Mostly, we wanted to try to guess what he really meant when he said what he said. What Favre said: "Disappointing would be an understatement." What he possibly meant: "We just lost by 28 points to the team I sought vengeance against – my new team's biggest rival – in the last game of the year that could have turned everything around. Every single player and coach should be embarrassed." What Favre said: "Re-evaluate." What he possibly meant: "What am I doing here? Why did I come back? Why did I let those three guys talk me into getting on that plane? I wish there really was such a thing as a time machine built out of a DeLorean. I would go back to that day and stay home. Wait, what am I saying? I have a time machine! I'd go back and not throw that interception in last year's NFC title game. And maybe hit delete instead of send. But I don't really have a time machine. So now I'm kind of stuck. If I quit, I look like a failure this season. If I stay, it could get even uglier." What Favre said: "I came back for a Super Bowl. But I also knew there's a chance that that doesn't happen. Probably a better chance that it doesn't. A way better chance that you don't play near as good as you did last year. That doesn't mean you can't have success. This is a little surprising." What he possibly meant: "Everybody knew deep down that there was no way I was going to replicate what I, or the team, did a season ago. The second go-round is never the same. So why did I come back? Because that's what a gunslinger does. I calculate the odds, see that they aren't in my favor, and then try to beat them."