A rural Minnesota family whose gravel road was closed made an impassioned plea to Kanabec County officials to halt what they described as a vendetta against them by the Hillman Township board.
Members of the township board "have made it their mission to drive us away," Andy Crisman said Tuesday at a public hearing before the Kanabec County Board of Commissioners. "We have been met with contempt and unfounded doubt. But I refuse to be shamed into submission."
Two years ago, the township informed the Crisman family that Hornet Street, the half-mile gravel road to their home outside Mora, Minn., had officially ceased to exist and that it would no longer plow or maintain the road.
Last year, residents at the township's annual meeting voted overwhelmingly in favor of resuming maintenance of the road, but board members said the vote was improper and they would not abide by it. Now the Crismans are asking the county board to overrule the township's road closure, citing a little-used law that allows a county to order township road maintenance.
Minnesota Statute 163.16 allows residents to file a complaint with their county board if a road has not been properly maintained. If the board finds the complaint has merit, it can order the township to return the road to "a passable condition."
At Tuesday's public hearing on the complaint, supporters of the Crismans wore green shirts. About a half-dozen people spoke on behalf of the family, asking county officials to remedy what they called an injustice.
"This is such a vindictive matter against this family," said Hillman Township resident Katherine Tramm. "This is absolutely ridiculous that it's even come this far. A family shouldn't have to struggle." Tramm said there are two minimum-maintenance roads near her home that are "well taken care of" by the township.
Andy Jauhola, who lives on the Crisman farm, said the township maintains more than 14 miles of gravel roads — including more than 3 miles of roads that nobody lives on.