Late last year, about 550 people serving terms in Minnesota prisons or on community supervision received letters containing potentially big news for their cases: “You may be eligible to file an application with the court to vacate your conviction for aiding and abetting felony murder.”
The notices, sent from the Department of Corrections, were prompted by a new Minnesota law limiting who can be held liable for aiding in a crime that results in a murder. The change was retroactive, meaning those already found guilty could petition by October 2025 for the courts to throw out their convictions. Not everyone would qualify, but for some it could mean getting out of prison sooner than expected.
Earlier this month, the first petitions were granted.
A Hennepin County judge vacated the convictions of Briana Martinson, 27, and Megan Cater, 25, for their roles in a 2017 robbery-turned-murder, which likely would have kept them in prison until 2026. Judge Kerry Meyer resentenced the two suburban women to a lower burglary conviction. Factoring in the six years they’d already served, they were set free.
And they may be just the first of dozens.

At least 105 applications have been filed so far, according to data provided by Minnesota’s Court Administrator’s Office. The cases will be reviewed by courts in coming months to see if they qualify for resentencing under the new law. Since judges evaluate each petition, no one can say how many will qualify.
The law, passed by the DFL-controlled Legislature last year, is meant to differentiate punishments between major and lesser participants in a murder. But it is already spurring debate over who should be eligible.
Bobbie Elder, whose 19-year-old son Corey was murdered in the robbery put in motion by Martinson and Cater, called the two women the masterminds behind the crime, and criticized Hennepin County Attorney Mary Moriarty for supporting the petition.