Olivia Rodriguez spent the week sweeping up the shattered remnants of the car audio systems that she sold in her small Lake Street store before it was ransacked in the violence following George Floyd's death at the hands of police.
She didn't know it yet, but she and her neighboring small-business owners on Lake Street were in for a much-needed surprise.
In the weeks ahead, about 140 businesses are expected to receive stipends of several thousand dollars to help replenish inventory, repair broken glass and rebuild under a new project of Urban Ventures, a nonprofit supporting children and families in south Minneapolis.
Many businesses also will be cranking out gift cards and gift certificates, which will be purchased by Urban Ventures and donated to the community to spark reinvestment and jobs in the neighborhood.
"We want to help those businesses that didn't burn to the ground, and we want to do it fast," said Urban Ventures CEO Dave Hawn. "We can do that right now, while other [larger] business programs work through their requirements."
Fast financial aid would definitely be a boost, said Rodriguez.
"We lost about $25,000 in merchandise," said the owner of El Rey Car Audio. "If I had more money, I would buy more merchandise, a computer, a security camera. It would be a big help."
As charities and faith groups have rushed to provide emergency food relief for Lake Street-area residents whose grocery stores were shuttered during the protests, Urban Ventures is among the organizations able to now pivot to a second relief phase aimed at the future.