By DJ Kayser, filling in for Paul Douglas:
Douglas: Much of next 7 days to feature gray skies
Apparently the Grinch stole the sun.
2024 is just about over, and the Minnesota State Climatology Office is taking a look back at the year to determine the top five weather events out of 15 possible choices. Those 15 include several periods of warmth, our two long dry stretches of weather (with the fourth-wettest June statewide wedged in between), severe weather during the State Fair, and a couple of snowfalls (including Halloween). You can vote on your top five by heading over to this link to find out how.
Any remaining precipitation in the metro should push out quickly Saturday morning, with a mix continuing in northern Minnesota. The next system passes to our south Monday with a mix along Interstate 90. Some flurries can’t be ruled out around the New Year, but those chances are higher in northern Minnesota. Otherwise, the Grinch has apparently stolen the sun, as much of the next seven days will continue to feature gray skies.
Colder weather moves in for the beginning of 2025, with teens for highs late next week. At least I haven’t seen any mosquitoes in a few weeks.
After a high of 70 on Friday, temperatures will tumble.