A 47-year-old landlord fatally shot his father and his sister days after seeking to have them evicted from their Robbinsdale duplex, according to charges filed Tuesday and other court documents.
Ibn M. Abdullah was charged in Hennepin County District Court with two counts of second-degree intentional murder in connection with the deaths of 74-year-old Marchone Abdullah and his daughter, 55-year-old Crystal M. Abdullah, in their home in the 3700 block of Lake Drive.
Abdullah, who lives in the other unit of the side-by-side duplex, remains jailed in lieu of $1.5 million bail ahead of a court appearance Wednesday. Court records do not list an attorney for him.
While the charges do not address a motive for the killings, Hennepin County court records show that Ibn Abdullah began eviction proceedings on Dec. 20 against his father and his sister.
In February, Crystal Abdullah went to court and forced Ibn Abdullah to replace the toilet, a faucet and smoke detectors, and repair the water heater, according to court records.
According to the criminal complaint:
Ibn Abdullah went to a brother's home in Brooklyn Park on Sunday and said he shot their father and sister "a few days ago and that there might be a smell," the charges read.
He also asked his brother whether he knew anyone who could help "clean up," the charges quoted Ibn Abdullah as saying.