A 23-year-old man was charged Wednesday with fatally shooting another man after a late-night argument over the weekend along Grand Avenue in St. Paul.
Demond A. Dawson, of Roseville, was charged in Ramsey County District Court with second-degree murder and second-degree attempted murder in connection with the killing of Albert D. Stevens, 29, of St. Paul about 3:25 a.m. Sunday outside Billy's on Grand.
Dawson appeared in court Wednesday and remains jailed in lieu of $500,000 bail. Court records do not list an attorney for him.
Stevens was pronounced dead at the scene in the 800 block of Grand Avenue, a stretch in St. Paul with many shops, restaurants and bars, and other businesses.
A 29-year-old man also allegedly shot by Dawson in the same incident was taken to Regions Hospital and survived a wound to the thigh, the charges noted.
According to the criminal complaint:
Witnesses say Stevens was arguing with occupants in a car. Gunfire erupted and the car drove away.
A woman said she saw Dawson driving the car and identified him as the person arguing with Stevens. Another witness saw "muzzle flashes" come from the car.