Nadine Manske

Health and Education Intern
Health and Education Intern
Nadine Manske is an intern with the health and education team at the Star Tribune.

Latest from Nadine Manske

Why was the Mall of America built in Minnesota?

The "fantasyland" proposal for the former Met Stadium site almost didn't materialize.
December 2, 2022

Colleges, animal shelters in Minnesota offer programs to address vet tech shortage

Leaders of both accredited and unaccredited programs hope to help bring more vet techs into the industry.
November 23, 2022
Veterinarian technician Jen Charewicz preps a patient for a spay in the surgical suite at the Animal Humane Society in Golden Valley, Minn., on Wednesday, Nov. 23, 2022. Organizations in Minnesota are addressing the vet assistant and vet tech shortages that have resulted in long wait times to get veterinary care throughout the state.

Children's unveils new inpatient mental health unit for kids

The 22-room unit is expected to serve over 1,000 children and adolescents a year.
November 17, 2022
Dr. Gigi Chawla, chief of general pediatrics at Children's Minnesota, stood next to a breakaway door to a bathroom in a patient's room during a tour of a new Children's Minnesota inpatient mental health unit for children ages 6-18.

Medal of Honor recipient honored anew on Veterans Day

Edison High School in Minneapolis unveiled a plaque honoring alum Richard Kraus, who was killed in World War II.
November 12, 2022
An ensemble of trumpets, who are also veterans, play America the Beautiful at the conclusion of the program on the grounds of the State Capitol in St. Paul on Veterans Day. Bells tolled across Minnesota on Friday, November 11 at 11 a.m., including the Minnesota Liberty Bell located on the campus of the State Capitol.

Minneapolis voters choose five new school board members

The board has several big tasks ahead, including picking a new superintendent.
November 9, 2022

As pickleball grows more popular, clinics report more injuries

The safety of the game played by many older athletes should be taken seriously, medical professionals say.
November 5, 2022

As high court weighs affirmative action, colleges pledge to uphold diversity efforts

Several private colleges in Minnesota have signed on to amicus briefs that urge the court to allow them to keep using race as one of many factors in evaluating potential students.
October 31, 2022

Robert 'Bob' Oliveira, who helped bring FDA-approved cochlear implant to market, dies at 79

He led an active, work-oriented lifestyle, but never failed to meet new friends and look on the bright side.
October 28, 2022

Minneapolis voters choose five new school board members

The board has several big tasks ahead, including picking a new superintendent.
November 9, 2022

As pickleball grows more popular, clinics report more injuries

The safety of the game played by many older athletes should be taken seriously, medical professionals say.
November 5, 2022

As high court weighs affirmative action, colleges pledge to uphold diversity efforts

Several private colleges in Minnesota have signed on to amicus briefs that urge the court to allow them to keep using race as one of many factors in evaluating potential students.
October 31, 2022

Robert 'Bob' Oliveira, who helped bring FDA-approved cochlear implant to market, dies at 79

He led an active, work-oriented lifestyle, but never failed to meet new friends and look on the bright side.
October 28, 2022
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