NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Attorneys fighting over the release of documents involving a 2023 Nashville elementary school shooting pleaded with a judge Monday to finally issue a ruling settling the matter, their request taking on a more desperate tone amid the recent publication of leaked records about the shooter.
It was the latest hearing in a lengthy legal battle over whether the investigative file and other records from the Covenant School massacre — where six people, including three children, were killed — should be released under Tennessee's public records law. A group of Covenant School parents have joined the lawsuit, arguing none of the documents should ever be released because they could inspire copycats and retraumatize their children.
Yet even as officials have kept the documents hidden from public view, two prominent rounds of evidence about the shooter's writings have been leaked to media outlets.
Most recently, The Tennessee Star published dozens of stories based on allegedly 80 pages of the Covenant shooter's writings provided by an unnamed source. The publication is among the plaintiffs suing for access to the records.
In response, Nashville Chancellor I'Ashea Myles ordered Editor-in-Chief Michael Leahy and Star News Digital Media, which owns The Tennessee Star, to appear in court and explain why publishing details of the leaked documents did not violate court protection of records that could subject them to contempt proceedings and sanctions. The judge later denied a request by Leahy to cancel the hearing but said no witnesses would testify.
''I don't watch the news, I don't do my own investigation, it's best that I have the attorneys come in and really let me know what is going on," Myles told a packed courtroom Monday. "Depending on what I learn today from the parties, I will issue a separate ruling on what the next steps will be.''
Myles added that she had been prepared to release a 60-plus page ruling last week, but held off because of concerns over the leaked documents.
None of the attorneys who spoke Monday raised concerns that the leaked documents dramatically impacted the ongoing court case. Nearly all agreed 80 pages constituted just a tiny portion of the documents.