Anybody who left Supervalu Inc. without at least a hug from Smokey Robinson didn't want one or didn't come anywhere close to the music legend Wednesday.
Many women received kisses with his hugs. I got two of each from Robinson, giving me the time to take a good look at his face.* His smile didn't look out of place and if you looked closer it was easy to see he didn't have on a trace of makeup. Some of those photos that have him looking Botoxy and made-up must have been the result of bad photography.
Robinson was the life of the party* here to kick off Supervalu's celebration of Black History month, which included performances by students from LoveWorks Academy, the Golden Valley arts-related charter school, and to do a little business for his line of frozen entrees.
Robinson told me that his frozen entrees were inspired by food he has cooked. There are a lot of "family recipes in our food. We have seafood gumbo and chicken and chicken sausage gumbo and red beans and rice. And I've been eating that stuff all my life."
Speaking to the students, Robinson encouraged the kids to look beyond the field of entertainment for careers because for every singer who succeeds, there are probably a million who don't.
"I've seen thousands upon thousands of people come through show business," Robinson said. "They get to the point, once they get a hit record or some type of notoriety or people recognize them, they think to themselves, 'How could show business possibly have survived before the world became aware of me? If I'm out of this, how will show business go on?' I guarantee you that you didn't start it and you're not going to finish it."
Robinson told the audience that he feels sorry for Britney Spears and the life she's living. "She is so scrutinized; every step she takes they are filming it and talking about it," he told me later. "So the girl doesn't have a chance to be a person. I thought it was ridiculous that [while he was in Europe] the No. 1 story on the news on CNN was she had cut her hair."
Robinson is a gentle soul who clearly cuts everybody some slack. These days everybody's doing that for Spears, who didn't ask for the mental health issues she has been dealt.