Three new Arden Hills City Council members took office Monday and immediately began to move forward with their unified campaign promise: to thaw a political stalemate and develop the former Twin Cities Army Ammunition Plant site.
It was standing room only in the council chambers as council members Tom Fabel, Tena Monson and Emily Rousseau took the oath of office. What followed was a raucous, five-hour meeting during which the new council majority took away the mayor's power to recommend committee appointments and instead appointed themselves to key seats — including to the joint powers authority that governs TCAAP development.
"We believe change needs to be made," Fabel said.
The 427-acre site, which officials pitched more than a decade ago for the new Vikings stadium, is among the largest undeveloped tracts in the metro. Buildout has been stalled for years amid disagreement between the city and county over how much housing it should include.
The new council members defeated three incumbents in the November election. They ran as a slate under the banner Advance Arden Hills, promising voters to push forward on buildout of the shovel-ready site renamed Rice Creek Commons.
The two incumbents, Mayor David Grant and Council Member Brenda Holden, strenuously objected to what some residents called a coup. The meeting included two hours of emotional public testimony on both sides of the issue, testy exchanges between council members and frequent audience interruptions including, at one point, booing.
"It's simply not right," said Grant, who along with Holden was removed from the joint powers authority. "What's being done tonight is not working together."
The city attorney said the new majority's actions was permissible under state law, but Grant said it stripped him of his powers and violated the will of the voters.