The Minnesota counties facing the greatest risks from a clobbering by nature's hazards — from ice storms to straight-line winds — are Ramsey, Hennepin, Freeborn and Nobles.
Those with the least: Lake of the Woods, Koochiching, Carver and Sherburne.
That's according to a new analysis by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Six years in the making, the "National Risk Index" is FEMA's most comprehensive measurement of community risks from 18 natural hazards.
The free data set goes well beyond measuring the frequency of disasters and dollar loss of buildings to interpret how vulnerable a county's residents are, and how well they can bounce back when disaster strikes. It accounts for the percent of a population living in nursing facilities, for example, or that live in mobile homes or have no health insurance.
But it doesn't project risks from climate change. And it is not a game-changer, some note, for a state with robust hazard planning. Minnesota already has a 300-plus page compendium of doom called the State Hazard Mitigation Plan.
Almost all counties have their own, too. They're required in order to apply for some kinds of FEMA funding, and counties are supposed to update them every five years, said Stacey Stark, associate director of U-Spatial, a special mapping unit at the University of Minnesota.
Even so, FEMA's new risk index is easy to use and could help communities update their emergency operations plans, pinpoint areas needing work, prioritize resources and educate homeowners, FEMA said. For instance, one reason Freeborn, on the Iowa border, ranks so high on Minnesota's risk list is because of projected agricultural losses from severe weather.
The index may be most valuable in rural parts of the country lacking the staff and resources to deeply analyze their particular risks on their own.