Savage has found new restaurant operators for its downtown historic depot, where two previous attempts to run a restaurant and coffeehouse have failed.
Sisters Carol Feldman Madson and Cindy Feldman Hurley have reached an agreement with the city to lease the building, which has been vacant since last summer. Unlike previous tenants, who operated a coffeehouse and limited-service restaurant, Madson and Hurley are planning a more extensive menu for breakfast and lunch service.
Under terms of the five-year lease, the Prior Lake residents would pay $1 a month for the first six months and $500 a month for the following six months. The rent would increase to $750 a month the second year and continue rising until it reaches $1,500 a month in the fifth year. The agreement also has an option to renew the lease after five years.
City documents say the rent would average out to $950 a month over the term of the lease, higher than the $804 a month approved a year ago for the previous tenant.
"We've been working on this for a long time, trying to get the right fit," said Mayor Janet Williams in an interview before the City Council meeting. One priority for the city was finding tenants with extensive experience in the food-service business, she said.
Madson said the sisters' interest in the restaurant business dates back to when they were teenagers with after-school jobs as waitresses at a Mr. Steak not far from the depot. Since then, both have had a variety of jobs owning and managing food-related businesses.
In the 1990s, Madson was a co-owner and operator of Bumper's Restaurant and Sports Bar in Burnsville. Hurley currently operates Simply Great Foods, a catering business she started in 1998. Before that, Hurley operated Mrs. Feldman's Fineries, a gourmet dessert business that had stores in Apple Valley and Minneapolis' Uptown neighborhood.
"I'm more front-of-the-house while Cindy is more back-of-the-house. Our skills complement each other," Madson said. Their desire to work together fueled their interest in the depot, she said.