New Vid - and your Bottom Fair Unfaves

Any ideas?

August 30, 2010 at 4:25PM

Here's a link to the latest Fair video: Grandstand attractions. (Scroll down a bit to the video player.) Now, the behind the scenes story! I went through some old footage to get clips from past years, and also to see if I was repeating myself. I was. It's impossible not to repeat yourself, for heaven's sake: not only do they have the same things in the same locations, they have the same people hawking the goods. The sushi guy was wearing the same outfit doing the same thing in the same place last year. I was probably wearing the same thing I wore last year while I was shooting him doing the same thing he did the year before.

It's a hot day at the Fair, but at least there's wind. Today I'll be shooting a piece on "The Bottom Four" - since the State Fair was asking people to list their Four Fair Faves, thought I'd see if anyone has a bottom four. Things you wouldn't do if they paid you. Any suggestions?

about the writer

about the writer
