The NFL’s circle of life was continuing its evolution from one giant left tackle named Alt to the next. John Alt, the father, a 61-year-old with a brand-new right knee and 13 seasons’ worth of pro ball-induced discomfort, was easing into TCO Sports Garden in Vadnais Heights. Joe Alt, the son, a 21-year-old with a baby’s face and no excessive fat, was on the field finishing a fast-paced, sweat-soaked workout in the final days before he’s expected to become a top-10 draft pick.
“He’s obviously the goal,” said Joe, nodding to his dad. “I’d love to be able to say I filled that man’s shoes. I got a ways to go.”
After being a star at Totino-Grace High School in Fridley and two-time All-America at Notre Dame, all Joe has left on his to-do list is:
1. Pray for the ideal fit in Thursday night’s first round.
2. Play at a high level for more than a decade.
And, oh yeah …
3. Enter that team’s Hall of Fame, as John did after the Chiefs made him the 21st overall pick 40 years ago.
“Joe’s development is maybe three or four years ahead of where I was,” said John, whose body grew in similar spurts from junior high to Columbia Heights High to Iowa to the NFL, where he didn’t become a full-time starter until his fourth season. “Physically, he’s ahead of me. I had never lifted free weights in my life. … Mentally, he’s definitely ahead of me.