Exact same songs but somehow it felt different on Wednesday.
Yes, Night 2 of Bob Dylan's three-night stand at the Orpheum Theatre in Minneapolis felt different from the opening concert.
Tuesday's audience was much more energetic. Many fans stood for the entire concert. Not so on Wednesday. The second-night crowd must have included fewer hard-core fans. They didn't even clap at the opening line of "Tangled Up in Blue." In fact, they didn't get excited until the punch line of the chorus. Same thing happened with "Simple Twist of Fate." At least a few dozen fans reacted to the opening words of "Blowin' in the Wind" done on grand piano.

While Tuesday's second set lacked momentum, Wednesday's second segment was more focused and consistent. A key difference was "Early Roman Kings," with its echoes of Muddy Waters. On Tuesday, the tune felt repetitious. On Wednesday, George Receli's drumming was more interesting. Charlie Sexton's bluesy guitar riffs nicely echoed Dylan's vocal lines, and there was more fire in Sexton's solos.
There was plenty of nuance in Dylan's often emphatic voice on "Spirit on the Water" with its finger-snapping cadence. By song's end, it almost felt like a call-and-response with the singer and the suddenly responsive crowd. Dylan's voice and delivery had more bite on "Long and Wasted Years" than it did the night before. "Soon After Midnight" was throwback pop, almost with an echo of the Fleetwoods' "Mr. Blue."
As was the case on Tuesday, Dylan didn't introduce the band and he made only one comment. At the end of the 50-minute first set, he said something like "why, thank you folks." He mumbled and all I could understand was something like "we'll be right back."
Indeed, he was prompt. Just as a gong had sounded at precisely 8 p.m. and Stu Kimball started playing guitar, the second half started after an exact 20-minute intermission.
Dylan didn't bother to change clothes between sets. His Wednesday outfit was a different color from Tuesday's but the same design – a frock-length jacket with piping and a stripe down his pants leg. Night 2's ensemble was black with white piping whereas Night 1 he wore beige. He sported the same light (possibly gray) Zorro hat both nights. On Wednesday, he was rocking stylish black-and-white cowboy boots that almost suggested spats.