For decades the city of Cold Spring, Minn., has wrestled with pollution from farms fouling its drinking water. Sealing contaminated wells and digging new ones didn't fix it. Changes to farm practices haven't come fast enough.
The levels of toxic nitrate just kept creeping up.
Now the central Minnesota town of 4,000 is pioneering a new way to cut the nitrate in tap water: getting hordes of bacteria to gobble it up.
That's what happening inside Cold Spring's new $6.5 million nitrate removal plant. It's the state's first biological treatment plant for the common pollutant and one of a handful in the country.
"We're excited," said Cold Spring Public Works Director Jon Stueve. "We knew that this is the first ever in Minnesota."
Bacteria, one of the oldest life forms on the planet, have long been used to treat dirty wastewater piped from toilets and industry. Treatment plants in Europe have used the enterprising bacteria for decades to treat drinking water, too, and it's used in a limited way by some U.S. treatment plants to remove minerals like manganese. But the biological approach to cleaning drinking water has never become widespread in the U.S. For one, there's an ick factor — people don't like the idea of bacteria swimming in their tap water.
That's changing.
The "bugs," as water professionals sometimes call the microbes, can destroy nitrate without creating the problematic stream of concentrated waste that conventional treatments do.