North metro recent actions
May 27: Residents and visitors will likely not get to imbibe until 4 a.m. during the Republican National Convention. The City Council discussed the possibility of approving extended bar hours between Aug. 31 and Sept. 5, but City Manager Mark Sather said none of the members seemed interested in the move. The Legislature and Gov. Tim Pawlenty approved a bill this year that would allow local governments to decide whether they want to let bars stay open past the normal 2 a.m. closing time. Local governments would be able to charge special permit fees of up to $2,500. Sather said the city hasn't received any requests from local establishments and the City Council could reconsider if it received an application.
May 27: Brooklyn Center is on its way to banning replica firearms, joining its neighbors Minneapolis and Brooklyn Park, which took the step in an effort to reduce juvenile crime. The City Council gave initial approval to an ordinance change that prohibits facsimile firearms, defined as "a replica of an actual firearm, which substantially duplicates an actual firearm or which could reasonably be perceived to be an actual firearm."
The changes will not affect actual firearms and toy guns that are painted bright colors or have blaze orange extensions that clearly identify them as toys.
A public hearing is scheduled at 7 p.m. June 23 at City Hall, 6301 Shingle Creek Pkwy. If the changes are passed, it will be illegal to carry or transport in a vehicle any facsimile firearm that is not in a secured container. It will also be illegal to aim a facsimile firearm at a person, occupied vehicle or building.