The northern long-eared bat became the latest Minnesota animal named to the endangered species list this week after their stunning and dramatic collapse across the continent over the past two decades.
Two other hibernating bat species — little browns and tricoloreds both — are likely not far behind.
The bats have been almost entirely killed off by white-nose syndrome, a phenomenon caused by a non-native fungus that disrupts them when they're trying to hibernate. The fungus can sprout when the bats slow their immune systems to save energy during the winter. It grows into a fuzzy white moss-like substance that spreads to the tips of their wings and across their faces. The animals wake up to try to lick themselves clean, like a dog or cat. In the effort, they burn through the energy and fat needed to survive winter.
The fungal growth also blocks the release of carbon dioxide, which is done through the bat's wings during hibernation. That again forces bats to wake up in order to exhale, expending precious energy. Sometimes bats die in the cave; other times, they fly off in a hopeless search for bugs to eat in the dead of winter.
The bats are some of the best allies people have ever had. They devour mosquitoes, including at least nine species that carry West Nile virus. A U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service study found that they save American farmers at least $3 billion a year by pollinating crops and eating moths, beetles and other pests.
The fungus has killed millions of northern long-eared bats, wiping out some populations and destroying an estimated 97% in many of their biggest hibernating grounds, such as the Soudan Underground Mine near Ely, Minn. The bat is found in 37 states and much of Canada.
The fungus has killed similar numbers of little brown and tricolored bats. The Biden administration is expected to announce a decision on whether to list those two species in the next few months.
Wildlife managers across the country are shifting strategies in hopes of saving the bats. States have largely given up trying to the keep the fungus out of the caves where they hibernate. They're now focusing on making sure the few animals that have survived can reproduce.