Look what you made us do. We named a snowplow Taylor Drift.
From Taylor Drift to Beyonsleigh, here are MnDOT’s new snowplow names
It’s me. Hi. I’m the snowplow, it’s me.

Every year, the Minnesota Department of Transportation invites the public to come up with a few good snowplow names. Every year, the public comes up with a few thousand.
On Tuesday, the governor, the lieutenant governor, the MnDOT commissioner and zero snowflakes showed up to reveal the winners of MnDOT’s 2023-2024 Name A Snowplow contest (Taylor’s version).
Next time a plow clears your way through a blizzard or digs you out of a ditch, you can thank it by name.
So thank you, Taylor Drift. Thank you — in order of votes received — to Clark W. Blizzwald, Dolly Plowton, Waipahinte (the Dakota word for “snowplow”) and the flawless Beyonsleigh. Thank you to “Sandlot” shout-out You’re Killin’ Me Squalls, to Fast and Flurrious and last but not pink, Barbie’s Dream Plow. More importantly, thank you to the plow crews behind the wheel.
“These are the folks who get it done,” said Gov. Tim Walz, gesturing to the MnDOT crews, before climbing into the passenger seat of Barbie’s Dream Plow to take the newly christened plow for a spin. “The drivers are the ones who really make it happen. … We’re grateful.”
More than 32,500 people cast a vote in the contest. Taylor Drift was by far the most popular option, drawing 12,027 votes. The massive plow, capable of clearing up to three lanes at once, is the biggest thing Minnesota has renamed in honor of Taylor Swift since Minneapolis temporarily changed its name to Swiftieapolis when her tour came to town.
Minnesotans have submitted more than 50,000 plow name suggestions since MnDOT launched the snowplow naming contest in 2020.
You might think Minnesota would run out of plow puns at some point. But ha! Minnesota will never run out of plow puns.
I Came, I Thaw, I Conquered. Sweet Child O’ Brine. SnowMNator. Aaron Brrr, Sir. Just Scraping By. There were 49 names to choose from on this year’s ballot.
Naming the snowplows is Minnesota’s favorite new winter sport. And maybe its only winter sport this week, with temperatures in the metro set to soar toward the 50s.
Behind the fun and creativity of the contest, the state is hoping another message gets through. This thaw won’t last forever. When the snow flies, give those plows room to do their work. Slow down. Stay back. Protect the plow crews who are trying to protect you.
Now get ready for your other new favorite winter sport — coming up with better headlines for this story. Suggestions around the newsroom include:
Taylor Drift is here to stay stay stay.
Taylor Drift gets a place in this world.
We’re driving in a getaway (snowplow).
Blank space, baby, and I’ll plow your lane.
Highway don’t care, Taylor Drift is on it.
Cause the plow is gonna plow, plow, plow, plow, plow.
Plow it off, plow it off.